Discover our technical added value in financial research

Financial Search

Unlock Effective Financial Research with EasyData

Are you seeking to organize scattered financial data, gain a comprehensive process overview, and uncover potential gaps?
Conducting thorough financial research demands specific skills, particularly in finance and accounting. The good news is, our technology empowers you to achieve precise results effortlessly.

EasyData: Your Gateway to Streamlined Financial Insights

EasyData harnesses advanced technology to filter and consolidate information from diverse sources into actionable financial data. Imagine accessing this data seamlessly, perhaps in an intuitive Excel format, for immediate analysis and decision-making.

Empowering Financial Research Professionals

Discover how EasyData supports specialists in financial research with cutting-edge technology. We specialize in developing transparent data extraction models that adhere to governmental guidelines. Our expertise extends to leveraging Machine Learning to enhance data transparency, particularly beneficial for journalistic endeavors. At EasyData, customization is key; we tailor our solutions to meet your unique needs.

Financial Search

EasyData introduces Financial Search, a specialized module crafted through extensive collaboration with financial experts. This module facilitates the interpretation and analysis of financial data, ensuring rapid and effective results for our clients. As the volume of financial data—often referred to as big data—continues to grow daily, so does the demand for advanced algorithms. At EasyData, we embrace this challenge, leveraging technological advancements into our financial research toolset.

Enhance Your Financial Research with EasyData

Are you looking to streamline your financial research efforts? Depending on your specific objectives, EasyData provides tailored technical solutions designed to simplify the life of financial specialists. For instance, we offer insights into the financial health of companies or organizations through comprehensive analysis of financial overviews. Visit for a firsthand look at our capabilities, featuring over 10,000 annual reports categorized by stock exchange listing and business activity.

Automated Extraction of Annual Reports

At EasyData, we extract consolidated annual balance sheets from annual reports through automated processes, seamlessly organizing them into Excel documents. For example, by request, we classified all annual reports from 2010 to 2015 for internal use, showcasing our commitment to efficiency and accuracy. Curious about our current capabilities in extracting financial data? Contact us today to schedule a Teams meeting or arrange a personal appointment at EasyData in Apeldoorn.

Empower Your Financial Investigation

In the realm of financial investigation, fraud detection stands as a cornerstone of the profession. EasyData’s Financial Search module equips you with essential tools to do the job. Detect potential irregularities effortlessly with Financial Search, leveraging automated processes. Whether you suspect internal misconduct or need to uncover financial crimes, our module provides factual substantiation. Monitor goods flows or investigate suspicious transactions with confidence.

Excel-Based Data Overview

EasyData’s technology facilitates financial investigations across diverse sources, ensuring independence and flexibility. From internet data to annual reports, bank statements, invoices, and handwritten consignment notes, our system integrates seamlessly. Transparency is key: understand the origins and criteria behind data extraction for thorough investigation. Financial Search generates comprehensive Excel overviews that preserve data authenticity, facilitating export to external applications for case support.

Enhancing Financial Analysis with Financial Search

Unlock the potential of financial analysis beyond your existing ERP or accounting package with Financial Search. This versatile tool extracts financial data from various sources, including packing slips, train tickets, and more. By employing smart data extraction, Financial Search highlights organizational peculiarities, bringing pertinent facts to light without costly external research.

For Whom is Financial Search Developed?

Financial Search serves a diverse range of sectors, including health insurers, municipalities, commercial service providers, and law enforcement agencies like the police. Each sector customizes Financial Search to meet its unique needs. We offer customized Excel exports with macros tailored to each user. Our solution is adaptable, operating securely in the Cloud or On Premise, seamlessly integrating with your IT environment to detect unusual accounting practices.

Example of Financial Fraud

Consider a scenario where a small organization relies heavily on cash transactions. The individual managing the cash register selectively omits cash transactions during operations, exploiting opportunities for personal gain.

Data Visualization

Tracking such fraud can be challenging due to the complexity of cash flow monitoring. Financial Search can be trained to compare inventory balances against expected revenue, incorporating data from multiple employees to detect irregularities promptly. Visual representations, such as displays showing the relationship between inventory and sales, enhance awareness among all staff members, preventing imbalances that could signal fraudulent activity.

Enhancing Financial Analysis with Financial Search

When you need to conduct comprehensive financial analysis beyond your current ERP or accounting system, EasyData’s Financial Search steps in. Our advanced tool extracts financial data from diverse sources, including packing slips, train tickets, and more.

Our technology operates independently of the source, enabling utilization of any data—from the internet to annual reports, bank statements, invoices, and handwritten notes. Transparency is crucial: whether through open data sources, web scraping, or other available information, Financial Search highlights organizational nuances through intelligent data extraction, presenting essential facts without the need for costly external research.

Where Does Our Added Value Begin?

Our journey together starts with a personalized introduction at EasyData in Apeldoorn, where we discuss your specific needs and objectives. While initial meetings may occur face-to-face, we seamlessly transition to virtual interactions via Teams for ongoing support. EasyData consultants are also available to visit your premises as needed. Understanding the intricacies of your research goals and permissible techniques is paramount. We invite you to delve deeper into our technology and methodologies, providing insights into how we achieve and present technical results that align with your future application needs.

Discover how EasyData can empower your financial research objectives. Contact us today for a consultation.

Financial research on its way

When it comes to financial research, we’re ready to roll up our sleeves. Once your research objective is defined, we develop a Proof Of Concept (POC) that integrates innovative software tailored to your needs. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is a top priority for us, ensuring transparency in every step of the process. We prioritize traceable conclusions, especially crucial for clients with stringent requirements, embedding this aspect into our technology from the outset. Financial Search simplifies complex algorithms, catering particularly to governmental assignments.

Excel Export for the POC

Financial Search provides clarity on data origins and extraction criteria with comprehensive Excel overviews, ensuring data authenticity. These exports can seamlessly support your case in external applications. While various reporting tools exist, our experience shows financial experts prefer Excel with macros. At EasyData, we excel in creating dynamic Excel reports with pivot tables. We’re also adept with Microsoft BI, Grafana, and other platforms of your choice, yet our expertise in Excel macros remains unmatched.

Data Management in Excel Delivers Customized Reporting

Excel Macros transform findings into visually appealing reports, allowing clients to annotate and segment data without needing extensive training. While Excel isn’t mandated, our focus is on providing tailored technology solutions that meet your specific needs.

Discover the Possibilities at

Explore our capabilities through an online database showcasing over 10,000 annual reports. EasyData’s automated processes convert consolidated balance sheets into accessible Excel documents, demonstrating our proficiency in business process optimization and financial data analysis.

Request a Demo

The example website provides a glimpse into our techniques, but for a deeper understanding, request a demonstration today. Our specialists will arrange a personalized or virtual meeting to showcase Financial Search’s capabilities. Experience firsthand how Financial Search enhances the effectiveness of financial research tailored to your situation. Get all your questions answered and discover how Financial Search aligns with your financial research needs.

Financial investigation

Effective results with Financial Search

Financial investigation is increasingly becoming the general term for financial research where hidden omissions are suspected. This is a container term that mainly refers to a process of systematic analysis. You can only successfully initiate this analysis after all financial data and transactions applicable to your project have been mapped out. That is where Financial Search is helpful. This module has been developed to detect financial crimes. Financial Search is mainly used by financial experts, forensic accountants, fraud investigators, and governments. Financial Search automates your financial research in important parts.

Automatically find financial data

Once your financial investigation objectives are set, Financial Search initiates an automatic information retrieval process tailored to your needs. The collected information undergoes meticulous logging, ensuring transparency throughout the automated investigation phase.

Benchmark Comparison

Financial Search calculates key financial ratios specified in your investigation plan and benchmarks them against relevant data sets. This comparative analysis can include competitors, individuals in similar situations, or other defined benchmarks.

Trend Analysis with Dashboards

Visualizing and monitoring data trends is crucial in your research. Dashboard tools allow for real-time observation of evolving patterns, enabling prompt responses to emerging developments.

Predictive Power with Machine Learning

Identifying unexpected trends, such as seasonal fluctuations, can prompt the application of Machine Learning algorithms for predictive analysis. Special conditions apply when our client is a government entity.

Organized Data

Financial Search organizes data from selected sources, including public data, chronologically. This approach provides an immediate, structured overview for your financial research needs. Statistical methods utilized by Financial Search aid in identifying meaningful trends within the data.

Explore how Financial Search can optimize your financial investigations. Contact us today to schedule a demonstration.

Financial research = Data extraction

Use smart tools to convert data into meaningful information. Create insights about important information within your organization. That works on location or in the Cloud. Scalable from one to more than a thousand users. Meanwhile, we maintain the highest standards of data security.

Financial Search is transparent. The solution for data falls under compliance rules and the company’s privacy policy.

More information or a demonstration? We would love to hear from you!